Enjoying Life!


Well we have really tried to enjoy life this past month and treasure each day.  Unfortunately there has been too many lives cut short this past month and it makes you stop and smell the roses.  You never know what tomorrow will bring so it is my challenge to look at each day as a blessing.
This past month I took the boys to Marbles museum.  We also played at many parks with friends and we even visited a farm where we got to go fishing and pet llamas.  Roman will be going to farm camp there this summer and he is so excited.  We enjoyed a family date night getting ice cream and I think Max ate more than all of us...OOPS!  
Nana was of course here for another visit and we enjoyed a girls day out shopping at the Southern Woman's Show.  A lot of money was spent but it was so much fun and well deserved.
I was able to enjoy a nice girls night out with yummy drinks, laughing, and just relaxing.
Roman participated in a Cystic Fibrosis walk which he collected money for after a long spirit week at school.  I was so proud of him and he has taken so much pride in his school.  He has actually shed tears when we don't have school.  His teachers have truly taken his heart and he loves them so much.  It is going to be sad when we have to say good bye in a few weeks when school is out.  This will be his last summer before he becomes a full time student-Kindergarten here we come.  This has been such a hard transition for me-deciding where he will go to school.  We have had so many ups and downs and I have still not made up my mind.  I know my mommy instinct will not let me down when the time comes.  I just don't think I am ready...I never thought I would say that.
Roman and Max had a sleep over with our wonderful Ms. Lora so we could have a get together with some friends.  Roman's social life has really increased.  He has a birthday party just about every weekend.  This weekend he will have his first birthday party at a roller skating rink.  I can't wait to see how this plays out.  Such a blast from the past:)
Rick and I have been focusing a lot on our marriage this past month.  The last series of sermons at church have been on men and woman and what our rolls are.  There was not too many surprises but it makes us stop and think and realize that we ARE different.  We have been doing a lot better of a job putting ourselves in the other's shoes and seeing where we are each coming from.  With the hustle and bustle of work, school, kids, house, etc. it is easy to put your spouse on the back burner.  Our marriage is now on the front burner.  I love him so much and am so proud to have my best friend as my husband for the rest of my life.
Well, after five long years, our fridge has stopped working.  I thought a fridge should last longer?????  Anyways, we are going to make a purchase-I really need a GREAT fridge to store all  my wonderful home cooked meals....NOT!  Home made is not in my vocabulary.
School is coming to an end.  I can see summer right around the corner.  This has been a long school year and even though I love my kids....I am ready to move them on.  I am looking forward to a nice summer with my boys.
Roman got a new pet-Spidey.  She is a hermit crab.  Roman says it is a girl because his teachers are girls.  I told you, he loves them.  We are waiting for her to move into her spider man (woman) shell.
Romanism's:  When talking about what we were going to do in two days, Roman asked if it was tomorrow.  I said it was in two days.  He said, "Oh, the other tomorrow."  While watching TV, a commercial came on for a car with 0% down.  He said, "Mom, get that car it cost zero dollars."
Max is a little man.  He is saying so many words and is such a brute.  We call him bam bam and he definitely lives up to it.  He is also very sweet.  He will stop playing and just come lay his head on your lap.  He is also becoming a better listener when you tell him no.  He will sometimes stick out his lower lip which is so cute.  He has become a little dancer and loves music.  He is starting to terrorize Mango and gets her going.  There is a great video of him in my photo album.  My two boys definitely keep me on my toes and many of nights I can barely keep my eyes open from exhaustion but I wouldn't trade it.  They are precious and I feel so blessed.
So- we are just trying to enjoy life.  Regardless of what negative we are surrounded by and seeing bad things happen-I feel we have a choice of how to react.  I believe that all things happen for a reason and I have to look at the glass half full.  I much rather make lemonade with my lemons than to let them rot.
Click to enjoy the pics from April.


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