2 Weeks Old
Roman is now 2 weeks old. He is back to his birth weight and growing. He is such a little angel. We love him so much. So far, he loves to eat, sleep, and poop. He does love his hands however. They are always up by his face and he even sucks his fingers at times. It is so amazing how much you can love someone so much. He is doing better than we expected as far as the night is concerned. He feeds around 10 or 11 and than gets up at around 2 am and than he will sleep until about 6. We ar blessed so far. We enjoyed having grandparents in town. Roman got lots of hugs and kisses. Check out the photos and videos of Roman's first two weeks in the world.
Roman is too cute! So glad he is sleeping for you! Remember, if yu need any help call me. I can't wait to meet him. Don't forget to take care of yourselves as well!
The Dailey's