We made it to 2008. I can't believe it. 2007 was a huge year for us and we are so thankful for all the adventures we had to go through to get to where we are today. Let's reflect back a minute at what some of these adventures were...selling house, getting pregnant, moving into apartment, building new house, moving into new house, Rick finding a new job, Rick graduating, buying a new car. Oh yeh! we bought a new car. We wanted to make sure to throw one more curve ball into the year before it ended. It is a Nissa Murano. We figured it would be a good family car. We are finally settled and are looking forward to a new 'normal' with Roman approaching. I am feeling real good and hoping for a baby delivery any minute. I am not sure my belly can get any bigger so he must come soon. He kicks often and I have been having a lot of small contractions. His head is low and getting ready to make his way into the world. Rick's new job is going great and I am enjoying having him home for dinner instead of him going to class. I have attached a picture of him from graduation. We are all so proud of him. The new house is working out great. We have enjoyed our Christmas and New Year and are patiently waiting for the arrival of our son. Please keep us in your prayers as we are getting ready to embark on a new adventure.


Anonymous said…
Hey Na,
Congrats on all the big changes, although the biggest is yet to come. :o) Good luck with your delivery and be sure to send out pictures as soon as you are able. Love, Jenn
P.S. The Murano is a great family car...we love ours.
Anonymous said…
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
Ed Kwiek said…
Remember... BREATHE... WHOOSH-WHOOSH-WHOOSH! And don't get angry at Rick while you are going through labor (unless you really need to). Good Luck, and may the FORCE (of God) be with you!

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