2 Months Old!

Roman is now two months old. Where is the time going? He is becoming a little man. His personality is really starting to show through and we are falling in love with him more and more each day. Roman struggled with reflux this month but we finally have it under control. He is definitely giving us a run for our money. There were a few ROUGH nights. Our only problem now is all the gas he has. I guess that is what I have to look forward to with two guys and a dog in the house:)

The past two months have been life changing. We can't imagine life before Roman. We are all doing very well and life is treating us good. Thank God for the 'ups' in life. They are a wonderful thing.

He loves to play under his jungle gym and giggle. His smiles always put me in a good mood and gives me the strength to keep going. Daddy witnessed his first roll over at 6 weeks. We could not believe it. He is so strong. We look forward to all his 'firsts'. Check out the video from this past month which include him rolling over.

Mango is showing signs of jealousy and has decided she wants to become a cat. The proof is in the video. She is climbing all over. She will knock things over so we are trying to tell her that if she wants to be a cat, she has to learn not to knock things over. She is very sweet with Roman though. She loves to lay her head on his legs while he is sleeping in his bouncer or on Mommy's lap. She always lets us know when he starts crying.

I will be going back to work in two weeks. I am going to miss spending the day with him. However, it will be good for me to get some adult interaction. We love his sitter. Her name is Laura and I am sure he will be well taken care of.

Don't forget to check out the photos from the past month and we will catch up next month.


monique said…
Hey guys,Congrats on your little man. He's so adorable. Mango is so cute in the pics.I'm glad she's o.k. with Roman.I love reading your post Naomi.I forward to reading them!!Take care, Hugs&Kisses
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