Five Months Old!

Roman is now five months old. He is doing great. He is now around 17 lbs. and growing every minute. He is a very happy baby and we are enjoying him tremendously. He has discovered his feet and loves to suck on his toes. He is also becoming a lot more verbal. He talks to his toys and loves his excersaucer.

This past month we have taken Roman to the zoo. I am not sure he knew where he was at, but it was a nice time that we got to share with friends. Roman enjoyed having grandparents in town and they watched him as I finished up my last weeks in school. He was spoiled greatly and definetely charmed them with his smile.

We took him to the pool for the first time and he LOVED it. We are hoping to make a fish out of him. Now that I am done with school, I am sure we will be spending lots of time at the pool. We are looking forward to a great summer as a family.

This weekend, Roman and I are off to Rochester, NY to visit some friends and attend a shower. He is looking forward to his 2nd plane ride and Mommy is hoping he behaves:)

I would like to dedicate this blog to my husband and father of my son, Rick. He is a great Dad and he has been a great parenting partner. I wish him well on his First Father's Day and I look forward to all the great memories we will make. I know Roman thinks his Dad is the GREATEST!!!! We love you!

We hope you all enjoy to beginning of your summer. Try to stay cool and live life to the fullest. Check out our photos. May June

Love, The Przygodas


beth said…
I enjoyed seeing how Roman has grown. I have also enjoyed watching you change from a childless person to a mom with a baby. Enjoy each moment!!!! I like how you honored Rick with special words as he enjoys being a father this 1st Father's Day for him. Enjoy your summer with rick and roman.
Anonymous said…
These monthly blogs make me cry every time! I can't wait to see little Roman on Saturday.....
Aunt Lisa

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