Yes, Roman is 11 months old. I can't believe that I am starting to plan for his first birthday. The year has flown by. I can't believe that my next blog will be about his first birthday.
Roman is cruising all over the house. He has started to take steps on his own but for now the furniture continues to be his support. He is clapping, dancing, talking(no clue what he is saying), and chasing Mango. He loves music and the Hokey Pokey has become his favorite song. When you sing he will pound the floor with his right hand and shake his body when you say Hokey Pokey. It is hilarious. He has also discovered that Mango will play with him. He will chase her from one side of the room to another and giggle the whole time. He is definetely giving Mango a run for her money.
This past month we enjoyed our first Thanksgiving with Roman. Daddy fried a turkey which was delicious and Roman enjoyed eating all the fixens'. The pumpkin pie was obviously his favorite. After Thanksgiving we decorated for Christmas and Roman loves all the lights. We are looking forward to him opening all his presents from Santa. Speaking of Santa, Roman went and saw him and sat on his lap. He was happy long enough to get a picture but when he realized that he did not know this man in a white beard, he started crying. By the way, the beard was real.
I was able to enjoy a night out with a friend to go to a Hurricanes game. It was a good game even though they lost. I only go for the fights anyway (and there were some good ones).
All in all, things are great in the Przygoda household. We are thankful for all that we have during this season and look forward to sharing and starting new traditions during the holiday with Roman. Rick's family will be joining us for Christmas and I am sure Roman will be quite spoiled. Thank God we finished the garage for all the toys.
I would like to dedicate this blog to the Francis Family. We will miss you at Christmas but know we are there in the spirit. We love you all very much and Roman says hi to all his cousins and wishes he could have some of Grandma's apple pie.
We want to wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!