Turkey, Terrible Two's & Time Change!

Another month has come and gone. I can't believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner.
'Turkey, Turkey, in the hay-Still you strut around with pride, when you should take off and hide-Turkey, Turkey, we have a date-I will see you on my plate".
Before I start I would just like to say-GO YANKEES! We are so excited that they won the World Series and all those late nights staying up paid off.
This month has been a challenging one. Roman has decided that he is going to push all the 'wrong' buttons for Mommy and Daddy. He has started saying "NO"! for everything and will throw those wonderful tantrums when he does not get his way. I want to thank Dr. Dobson for all his wonderful books on parenting and he has taught me many things. Like most things in life, parenting does not come with a handbook and in the middle of a crisis you feel like you are walking in the dark unsure of what to do. I am learning to be consistant with everything I do for Roman and he is learning that Mommy and Daddy are in charge. On top of all this, we had to turn the clocks back. Who would think that one hour would screw up a child's sleeping habits. Well, in our house it did. Roman was getting up an hour earlier and was ready to start the day. I think he is finally getting back to normal now and hopefully I won't have to see 5:00am for awhile. It's amazing how the most precious gift you have can give you the most grief. Though we are going through this tough stage of parenting and childhood right now, we adore our boy and we are so blessed to have the opportunity to be a parent and experience all the ups and downs that come with it.
This past month Roman finished up his swimming lessons and he is currently taking a break. We went to a Halloween party at My Gym and he loved it. He was so brave and ran around and played without me. He found the Mr. Potato Head corner and was mesmerized by all the things he could do with it. We went to a Jump House for a friend's birthday party. Roman had a ball playing in all the jump houses. We ended up leaving early but it was a learning experience for Mom and Roman of what to do when one of those tantrums happens.
We spent an evening with some friends where the kids made spiders and painted pumpkins. Roman was like a little man sitting there. I honestly think he thought he was Picasso sitting there. He was having so much fun and his clothes and body definitely showed it. We had to put him in the bathtub right after.
Roman was a bumble bee for Halloween. We spent the evening with friends and walked around their neighborhood. It did not take Roman long before he figured out to walk up to the house and hold his bucket out. He was a trooper. He even walked through his first Haunted House. Mommy was more scared than he was. Besides trying to walk in every home when they opened the door, it was a wonderful evening and hopefully we made great memories for Roman.
I went to a re grand opening of an Old Navy. I stood in line and was one of the first 200 people to enter the door. All I won was a t-shirt. I never win anything:( Anyways, I did get a picture with my favorite radio show hosts-Bob and the Showgram. I guess it was worth it. Grandma Mary Jo was just in town and enjoyed a weekend with us. We went to a birthday party for Roman's friend Maura and Roman enjoyed his first fish fry for dinner. Oh wait....we enjoyed a fish fry. I forgot, Roman does not eat these days. Of course he eats for Lora during the week but goes on a hunger strike for us at home. GO FIGURE!!!!! We also went to the Farmer's Market with Grandma where we picked up all sorts of yummy, fresh food for dinner. It was a beautiful day and the ribs turned out amazing! YUM!!YUM!!
We are looking forward to Thanksgiving around the corner. My parents will be here this weekend for a visit and than we will be traveling to Baltimore for Thanksgiving. We hope you all enjoy your Turkey Day and don't eat too much pie!


Ed Kwiek said…
I can't believe what a "little man" Roman is becoming. I especially like the camo!

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