Winter Fun!

COLD! That is how this past month has been. We had a 'big' snow storm, for the south that is. We were out of school for three days and the city was shut down. Roman loved the snow and it didn't take him long before he was trying to eat it. I guess it was fun to have snow and it made everything look beautiful. However, when you live in a place that is not prepared for it, it makes it tough. The snow eventually melted and things went back to normal. It has been an extremely cold winter for here though. I am ready for the spring weather.
This past month we had some friends over for dinner and played Wii. Rick was ready to win in his 'workout outfit'. It was a fun night with some good friends. We also had a visitor from back home while he was here on business and we got a nice little photo shoot out of it. Thanks Tim, it was great to see you and finally have you visit. I have been consistent in my running and Rick and I are pretty sure we will be training shortly to run a 1/2 marathon in Baltimore. We are excited about it and confident that we can do it. I celebrated my 30th birthday on February 11th. Rick took me out to dinner and it was yummy. He then had my friends surprise me at a local bar. It was a fun night and I am so lucky to have such great friends to celebrate with. Rick definitely did a great job with the planning and I am lucky to have such a wonderful husband. We watched the Super Bowl and celebrated a birthday at our friends house. Unfortunately our team did not win but it is always a good time watching the Super Bowl even if you are not into football. One of Roman's best buds turned one and we celebrated his birthday with him.
Roman has been talking up a storm-still not completely clear but he still has a lot to say. He loves being my little helper. He will throw away trash, empty grocery bags, put clothes in the dryer and put pillows on the bed when I am making it. He is doing a great job at potty training at the sitters. I still can not get him to go at home. Oh well, at least he is trying. He is finally realizing that Mango is a pet and he is petting her and trying to hug her often. He loves to rub her belly. Mango however is not so into Roman. She runs away from him. At least he thinks that is funny and does not get offended.
We are sorry to say that this past weekend a great man left this earth. Rick's Grandfather passed away and Rick is currently on his way back home for the funeral. Due to the weather, he has to drive. We are sad that 'Hunch' is no longer with us but he lived a great life (96 years) and left us all with great memories. Rest in peace Hunch and you will always be in our hearts.
I hope you are all keeping warm this winter season. Remember to take time to enjoy the little things and live life as today may be your last.
Make sure to check out our photos. They are on the right side of the blog near the top.


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