March Madness!
As I look back at the blogs I have written, it sounds as if we live such a wonderful, perfect life. It made me think long and hard about our life and what it is really like. I have come to the conclusion that the good always outweighs the bad. Thank God we don't have too much drama in our lives here but we do have 'bad days' as we all do. Thinking about all this has made me come up with a theory...Remembering and focusing on the positives makes for a happier home. Ok, enough with all this evaluation of my blog. Here is the dirt about what we have been up to for the past month.
Rick was not able to be home for Valentine's Day so we celebrated a few days late. His gift this year was a jar full of 365 reasons why we love him. Everyday for the next year, he will pick one out. This has been an amazing thing because he gets reminders of all the little things that are great about him and I had the opportunity to remind myself of just how wonderful he is while writing all the reasons. The process was long but great for the marriage.
We have had some fun nights with friends eating dinner, playing Wii, and enjoying each other's company. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends to walk through life with.
We have continued to run, bike ride, play at the park, and enjoy the beautiful weather that the south has to offer. However, we have had more snow this year that I have ever seen since we moved here. Once again our Spring Break is cut short due to the fact that we have snow days to make up. We are excited about the Spring weather coming and getting outside more to enjoy the elements.
I had the opportunity to run in an 8K. It was an amazing experience and I can now say, that I love running and have become a 'running girl'. I am already looking forward to the next race I can run in. We have signed up for the Baltimore Half Marathon in October and this will be one thing I will be able to check off of my bucket list. Speaking of bucket list...I have made one. I decided that I wanted to be more aware of what I want to do and things I want to accomplish in my lifetime. I have it hung on my fridge and am determined to work towards checking things off as long as God permits.
This has been a busy last couple of weeks for Rick at work. This means that Roman and Mommy have had much time together. Today we went downtown and watched the St. Patrick's Day parade. Roman loved it and just kept saying "More!"
We are looking forward to meeting our friends little boy, Chase who was born a few days ago. Welcome to the world Chase...Roman is excited to have another boy join the Capex Crew.
The last couple of months have been rough for us at night. Roman has decided that he didn't want to sleep through the night. We finally realized that he was having 'night terrors'. He would wake up screaming and there was little that we could do. The last few nights he has been good and has slept through the night. We hope that this stage is over because we have all been exhausted and poor Roman needs to get his beauty sleep. Thank God he is still taking a long nap during the day.
This month he has started saying Mommy and Daddy instead of MaMa and DaDa. His vocabulary is increasing everyday as well as his pronunciation of words. He is still hard to understand most of the time but that doesn't seem to stop him. At times he speaks clear as day and other times you just have to shake your head and say, "OK, whatever you say Roman." Roman loves helping us and he decided to vacuum one day. He was so sad when we had to put the vacuum up. Check out the video at the end of this hilarious moment of him vacuuming.
Bedtime has become my favorite time with him. We read books, sing songs, count, and go over everybody part. He is praying at night and will fold his hands and just keep saying Jesus. He will say Amen at the end. He loves to snuggle and will say Rock and he will just lay his head on me and hug. He is such a sweet boy and it makes me sad to know that one day he won't want me to rock him.
Roman has started asking us WHY? He even has a tone when he says it. It caught me off guard when he said it the first time when I told him something. My baby is now an individual who needs reasons why things are the way they are. Where does the time go? He is also learning to spell his name. Right now he will just say R-O. He is also learning how to hold two fingers up and he will tell you how old he is. He is starting to use his imagination and will pretend. It is so amazing to watch them play and wonder what they are thinking.
We have had a good start to the beginning of spring. Even though it has not officially started yet. We will be doing some traveling this next month. Make sure to enjoy your start to Spring and remember to SMILE!
Check out the photos and video on the right side of the blog.