Spring is Here!

Holy Hotness! Spring has come with some very HOT weather down here in the south. I am not complaining because I love it but way to ease us in Mother Nature. The pollen is falling and there is a yellow dusting on just about everything outside. Spring has definitely sprung and the sandals are officially being worn.
We had a great visit with Grandma Moyers(NaNa) this past month. While she was visiting, we went to Marbles Museum once again and Roman was so much more intrigued and enjoyed all the hands on activities. We have enjoyed days at the park and taking in all the beauty that surrounds us.
I attended a 40th birthday party for a friend and boy was it RAD. We dressed in style from the 80's. It's funny how it was not that difficult to find clothing or accessories. Fashion always comes back around in full circle. Just wait...dresses and bonnets will be next.
We celebrated Easter in New York and it was so wonderful to see friends and family again. Roman was a trooper with all the traveling and the grumpiness on the car ride was minimal. We stopped in Baltimore half way to visit friends and for a break. We then continued on our trek to Syracuse where we stayed with Rick's Aunt and Uncle. A lot of Rick's family came over and we enjoyed each other's company. The boys colored eggs and played basketball. It was such beautiful weather all week long. We traveled to Albany a few days later to visit my family. We enjoyed service at my father's new church and then we had a yummy dinner at my parents. Thanks Mom-your cooking rocks! All the cousins had a blast painting Easter eggs, catching frogs and snakes, riding bikes, playing baseball, and participating in an Easter egg hunt. Poppy gave tractor rides and later in the evening, a football game. Yes, I even made a touchdown. Who says girls can't play football? It is always sad to say good bye but what a wonderful feeling when you walk into your house and know that you are HOME!
Roman is starting to talk in sentences and he is understood by most. He likes to say, 'Go that way!' when you are driving, ''Why?' when you tell him to do something, and 'Owls in there' when you drive by a forest. He loves to say owl and make a Whoooo sound. He will point to the woods and say that they are in there. When you ask him when they come out, he will say 'night'. I only said that once to him in passing and he remembered it. It is amazing how they are little sponges and learn so quickly. His other new thing is while he is playing, he will point and say, 'mess'. I wonder if I have said that word too much? He definitely takes after me and wants things tidy and put back in the right spot. I have created a monster and Rick is out numbered. Now, don't get me wrong. I am all about making messes-they are fun to make. But...the messes are always cleaned up. You know what they say, Cleanliness is next to Godlines:).
I am so glad many of you keep up with us and the happenings in our household. It is hard being away but I hope you feel that this is our way to make you a part of our home and our family. We love you all and hope you are enjoying the start to a beautiful spring season.
Check out the photos to the right on the blog. More photos have been added to the March folder.


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