Bitter Sweet Month!
This month we have had many ups and downs. We have definitely thought a lot about life and just how precious it is. Our good friend Dave and his family were in town for a few weeks. They were here to be with his father who was at Duke battling brain cancer. Unfortunately he passed away during their stay. His memories will live on and his family are in our thoughts and prayers as they start a new journey in their lives. It was wonderful to see Dave and his family even under the circumstances. Life is so short and we wish we could be with our friends more often. We also had some friends in town from Baltimore and it was a great weekend catching up and enjoying each other's company.
This past month had also brought a scary moment for our family. At a routine visit to the doctor, a lump was found in me. They had it removed and thank God it was clean. Thank God I am healthy and I feel blessed to be healthy and I look forward to many more happy, healthy years. It was a long and stressful couple of weeks but we knew we were in God's hands and we would not be faced with anything we could not handle. Life is so precious and I want to live each day to the fullest.
On a much more happier note, we enjoyed many fun activities this month. Roman's friend Zoe turned one and we had a great time at her luau party. We attended a cook out with some friends from work where Roman was the center of attention.
We have enjoyed the summer weather and the pool finally opened. Roman is enjoying the water and mommy has got a good start to her tan. He asks to go to the pool everyday. Even though I don't think he understands when I say we will go another day, it seems to suffice. We have also had many cook outs and have hung out with neighbors. We have been playing corn hole and I have to say, I am not too bad. I definitely have a competitive spirit in case you did not know.
Roman is quite the funny guy. He has started calling us by our first names. He will yell for Rick instead of Dad when he wants him. It is pretty funny. He will also refer to himself in the third party often. He refers to himself as a 'big boy' and will show you his muscles. The other day he was in the bathroom with me (I never get to go alone anymore). He praised me and said, "Yeah, Mommy- go pee pee." He than flushed the toilet and said, "bye, bye pee pee". He makes me laugh. Too bad he won't pee on the potty for me. He obviously has much better things to do. He does love to be naked though. We still catch him trying to get naked often. He is starting to learn the dinosaur names and triceratops and t-rex are the two he already knows. It is so amazing how much they learn and remember. Roman has also decided to become a weather man. He will forecast the weather every morning. These are the forecasts for the last week-'Rain storm', 'Rain clouds', 'thunder-boom', 'hot outside', and 'cold'. Thanks to Mother Nature, all these situations have happened in the last week. He is not too bad at predicting the weather. We no longer have a baby. We are parents of a toddler. Where has the time gone?
This past weekend we dog sat for a friend and Roman loved him. Mango on the other hand was not too thrilled to have another dog come into her world and steal the attention. It was a great relaxing weekend with beautiful weather. It was very hard to go back to work. Thank God I only have 6 days of school left.
We have many fun activities planned for the summer. Roman and I will be going to New York at the end of the month. I know Roman will have a blast playing with all his cousins at Grammy and Poppy's farm. It will be the first time I drive up there alone. Thank God for our friends in Baltimore who will let us stop for a break. Hopefully Daddy will get some relaxing time and enjoy some 'alone' time. I am sure there is a beach trip or two in the plans. Roman loves his sandbox so I am sure he will be overwhelmed with the beach. He will have an endless supply of sand and the great thing is, I won't have to clean up after him.
Well, I know this was a bitter sweet blog entry but this is our story and I want to remember all the events who have made us who we are today. Each and every second in our life plays a role in the rest of our lives. The only thing we can do is make sure to enjoy every moment and be thankful for all that we have.
Be sure to check out the latest pictures to the right of the blog.