Not the End...Just the Beginning

The year is coming to an end but that just means a new beginning is right around the corner.
We have had a great 2014. It was a typical year that most people have-ups and downs. Looking back and reflecting on the year I am reminded that I am so thankful and that life is so precious. Just like many, I get caught up and forget to stop and smell the roses. I love this time of year as you celebrate together and you get to think about how the year was and the changes you want to make in the next year. I don't make resolutions as they often are just a trend we all make. I wouldn't change anything. If I could have another year like the last, I would be happy. Of course we all hope for happiness, success, health, and love but as I reflect...I had all these things this year. No year can be perfect and what would life be like if it was anyway???

We ended the year with lots of fun. We were able to get away for an adult night out while the children played. We ate at Sullivan's Steak House and enjoyed the company of great friends. We have had more play dates and fun getaways. We were able to take a long weekend to Great Wolf Lodge which Roman has been wanting for a long time.

My parents came for a visit and of course the boys enjoyed their company. Roman and my mom made their apple pie together.

We visited Santa and managed to get a picture with the boys. Max was unsure but did tell him what he wanted.  Santa is such an amazing man...he somehow manages to get all the gifts the boys want and more.
We had our best friends from Baltimore here which is always a nice treat. We love them so much and are looking forward to them moving here.
Rick's mom, brother, and sister joined us for Christmas this year with three extra dogs. It was fun but crazy as expected. We went shopping, bowling, and enjoyed time at the movies.
 The boys had so much fun this month sharing in all the Christmas spirit and magic of Charlie our elf and all the other fun things that come along with this time of the year. We enjoyed a service at church where we were reminded of just why Christmas is such a special time of the year.

As you enter the new year, take the time to reflect. We wish you all a very Happy New Year!
December Photos


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