Thankful beyond words...I want to take this time to share my thankfulness and remind all of us that being thankful is one of the best qualities (I think) one can have.
I would like to start by saying I am so thankful for my family. My parents raised me in a Godly home and taught me so much-love, hard work, patience, compassion, and faith...just to name a few. My siblings have also taught me so much and were a part of paving the way for who I am today. We have all taken different paths in life but have a bond that can't be broken. The direction I took to move away from home and go away to college brought me to the place where I met my wonderful husband.
Rick has been a rock our whole marriage and I am so blessed that he chose me to be his wife. Just like many couples, we have been through ups and downs but because of our loyalty and respect for each other we always come out on the up side. He is so steady and reliable which keeps things going. He is also an amazing dad and gave me the most precious gifts-our two boys.
Roman has my heart. He was the one who made me realize that my heart can love beyond anything I could explain. He makes me laugh (and cry sometimes) and is just like me. He is so intuitive and and has such a gentle soul. He pushes me beyond what I think I can handle sometimes but in the end he just makes me a stronger person. He will always be my little boy no matter how old he gets. He promises to always hold my hand:) Watching him become a big brother is something I will always cherish.
Max is my little go getter. He is also just like me as far as personality goes. He knows exactly what he wants and goes for it. He has so much energy but yet will just sit and snuggle. His kisses at bedtime with him wrapping his arm around my face is such a peaceful feeling. He reminds me that even on the 'hard days', I am so loved and I know they know they are loved as well.
I am beyond thankful for all the friends we have made along our journey so far. There are no words to express how important it is to have those special people in your life to go through all that life brings your way.
I am thankful that Rick and I have jobs and that we don't worry about the day to day things. This is something that we often take for granted. I am especially reminded of how blessed we are around this time of the year when you are making your lists of things you 'want' for Christmas. I know we have so much more than so many but yet as a society we keep wanting more. I am guilty of this myself. I remind myself that I have more than enough and all I truly want is to be happy and healthy. I have heard of so many tragic things happening to people around me and I am reminded to take each day as it could be my last. I want to always have a thankful heart and be reminded just how precious life is.
This past month we were able to do many fun things just like all the other months. I am thankful for these experiences and want to be mindful of what we are doing and not just do something to check it off a list. We are making memories and hopefully instilling in our children that a thankful heart is what is most pleasing.
What are you thankful for? I challenge you to not just say the words but make it a mindset and live each day with a thankful heart-regardless of what happens.