Strike, Spare or Gutter

This month has been like a bowling game. Some days are strikes, others are spares, and some are just plain gutter balls with the occasional split where it is just about impossible to get both pins left and the ball rolls right down the middle.
The year started out with a relaxing night at the house with friends ringing in the new year.  A couple of weeks later we celebrated Roman turning 7. He had his birthday at the bowling rink (hence my post about bowling:) with all his friends and it was a blast. The highlight of the party was when the kids were playing in the arcade and Max (all by himself) put a coin in one of the games and won the jackpot. Tickets came flying out and he just stood there like he knew exactly what he was doing. It was a great birthday present as Roman got to choose whatever he wanted from the toys.  

Roman has continued to play soccer and is doing well. He enjoys it so much and we have signed him up for an outside league starting in March. Roman enjoyed a hockey game with Dad and a friend. He also enjoyed roller skating at a school function one night. I didn't do too bad myself:) 

He has also taken up BMX biking. We have gone to the bike park often and he is getting more comfortable each time. Max was able to go with us one day and loved it. He has no fear and went right down the ramp. He loves his balance bike and I am sure he will be off on a BMX soon.
Max is going to be turning 3 in a couple of weeks and he is not letting 3 arrive without showing some terrible two behavior. He is such a strong willed child and knows what he wants. At the same time, he can be such a sweet heart and cuddly. He is always saying I love you. He will ask to snuggle and just wrap his arms around you. He is completely potty trained and just like most boys-loves to pee in the bushes:) Max has had many sleepovers with his Ms. Lora. She just adores him and spoils him rotten. It has been so nice because it allows us some one on one time with Roman. 
There has been so many funny, loving, happy, memorable moments this past month but there has also been some very rough, sad, and difficult moments. For those of you who have had children, know that they can be very unpredictable and sometimes throw us a curve ball...oh wait, I'm suppose to relate this to bowling. Ok, well there are moments when you feel like you are doing everything right because things are falling into place and great things are happening-it's like getting a strike and just knocking down all the pins. Other times-you have it under control but may have a few tweaks to make and once you do, you get a spare. It may take more than once but you end up knocking down all the pins in the end. This past month though I feel like I have had more gutter balls than anything. I know we all go through times when we feel like this. What worked yesterday, might not work today and it just doesn't make any sense. No hugs, talks, spanks or anything else you think of works. It's in these moments where you feel defeated and you start second guessing everything. It is just so hard when there are uncertainties and a quick fix or answer is not right around the corner. This past month has made me become more aware of my actions and words and to realize that I am doing what I'm suppose to and am doing a damn good job at it. Yes-I will mess up often but parenting is a learning curve. We learn right along with our children. I am doing what I know best and one day I know I will look back and laugh...probably not for awhile but I'm sure when I hand over the car keys for the first time-these moments now will seem so distant.

My advice to all the parents out there is to never put yourself down. Take pride in what you are doing and know that defeat only comes when we let it:)


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