April Showers Brings May Flowers
We are house owners AGAIN!!! This is the highlight of this past month. We purchased a home right here in Berne. It kind of happened quickly...we were not planning on purchasing at this point but this house kind of fell in our lap and spoke to us as soon as we walked in. It is a 'fixer upper' to some point but this is just adding more excitement and will allow me to design a house which I am super excited about. It was built in 1817 and has so much character. We will be starting renovations very soon. The house has a small apartment attached to it which we will be renting out...that will be a whole new experience for us. I know there will be a lot of ups and downs (there already has been tears shed) during this time of renovating. BUT...I am keeping my focus on the finished product and know that it will all be worth it. The boys are excited and love to give their input on what they would like to see in the new house:) We will keep you posted on all the before and after pictures of this transformation.
A couple of weeks ago we had a family breakfast at a local place where they have pancake breakfasts with their homemade maple syrup. There were about twenty something of us there and this is something that has become a tradition where my Dad takes us all out. A lot of pancakes were consumed between us all to say the least. It's events like this that create memories and that will last with me forever.
We celebrated Easter weekend in true fashion. We did something a little different this year and attended church on Saturday night. This allowed us to do Easter baskets and an egg hunt Sunday morning before driving to Rochester to enjoy Easter dinner with some of Rick's family. My mom made some pies for me to bring along for desert...just couldn't imagine a holiday without a piece of her pie. The highlight of Easter day was when Max was looking for eggs and found an empty one. He said, "It's empty, just like the tomb where Jesus was." All I could think of when he said that was, "He gets it!"
We spent a couple days in Rochester. We did some shopping for summer clothes as well as spent some time go-karting and having out at the arcade. This was the boys spring break from school so it was nice to get out of town for a little while.
Max has started t-ball. He is super excited. He just loves playing just about any sport and is very athletic. His first game will be on Thursday and I just love watching him be a part of a team. It is strange though seeing him in this way as he looks so big. I still just look at him as my little boy. Both the boys are growing so fast and I know that the days seem so long but the years seem so short. We did get to celebrate with my oldest brother who turned 50 this month. Love all my siblings so much and am blessed to be here with them through the good and the bad. Some people don't like their family but I adore mine. Yes, their are some who are 'difficult' but blood to me is special. I have their back through it all and I know they would do the same for me.
We continue to get together with family weekly, have play dates with friends, and just about everyday I am outside (when it is not raining) throwing the football with the boys. Right now, they are both obsessed with football. Being a 'Boy Mom' is very adventurous and amazing. I get completely worn out and annoyed but wouldn't trade them for anything. Here are their school pictures for 3rd grade and Pre-K.
So, my take away from this past month is that April showers will bring May flowers. The stress of coordinating house renovations, running the boys around to their activities, managing a house, helping with family situations, and whatever else goes on...will all be worth it in the end. The sun is still singing although the clouds may be hiding it. The flowers will bloom even if it seems like the rain is washing them out.
I'm looking for the growing flowers and embracing the rainbows which will only occur if the rain comes first!!!!
Enjoy our April Photos