The Prize Is In The Process

The prize is in the process. This is a message that I heard at church that is resonating with me. At the beginning of each year I choose a word to focus on. The word that came to me this year is 'wait'. My word last year was 'patience'. They kind of go hand in hand but nonetheless, this is the word for the year. I am not a patient person and I do not like to wait so I am looking at this past year and this new year as a way to grow and strengthen myself as a whole. What am I waiting for? I don't exactly know but I do know that during this waiting period, I am learning that peace is still present. I am content in what I am doing right now. I am getting my feet wet in the school system again by subbing, I am raising my boys, I am keeping house, I am free to help others, I have free time to be quiet and wait on my next move. Am I eager to move on to the next step....absolutely! But, until the next step is revealed, I have to enjoy today and realize that the prize is not what is coming but what is right in front of me. I know there is a big plan for me and I am open to what that is. Sometimes we don't get the answers we want right away and I am learning to be OK with that even though I have moments of doubt and frustration. My prayer each night is that the plan will be revealed in the right time and I will have the faith to enjoy the moment at hand. With that being said, we have had some great moments this past month.

We rang in the New Year by going to dinner and relaxing at home watching the ball drop. Max stayed awake and Roman spent the night with a friend.

Roman celebrated his birthday. I can't believe he is double digits. We had a combined birthday with him and his cousin, Alex who turned 18. The family came over for snacks and brownie sundaes.

The weather has continued to be cold so outdoor activities have been at a minimum. We did sign Max up for swimming lessons and every Saturday morning we go to a local high school. He is loving it and I love watching him learn and become better at something. It's also a good thing to do to get out of the house on the weekend.
Roman went to a friend's birthday and there always seems to be a friend or cousin over at our house playing. Roman had 5 friends over one weekend for a birthday present. They all played loudly, had Nerf battles, battled games on the PS4, and had a big pancake dinner. I am so glad he has friends that he has become so close with.
I was called up for Jury Duty...the first time ever. I was kind of excited and was secretly hoping to be put on a big case. Well, after showing up on day 1, I was dismissed. I was a little disappointed but thankful to not have to drive to Downtown Albany and fighting the parking situation. My brother was sworn in as Town Judge. It was a great achievement for our family. We all went out for a big breakfast after wards.
Roman came down with the flu and thankfully did not get very many symptoms. We were all put on medicine right away and fingers crossed nothing comes our way again this year.
The boys are obviously excited about the New England Patriots making it to the Super Bowl. There were a couple of moments where there were some break downs but in the end it worked out. I keep telling them that one day there will be disappointment. God help me when that day comes.
Rick and I were able to get out one night on a date with some friends. We went to a comedy show and ate dinner. It was so good and just to get out and laugh was good for the soul.
Life is good...despite all the challenges we face. I can only look for the good in it all and each of these challenges will only make me stronger and build my faith.
So, until next time, I will just be sitting here waiting:)
January Photos
Waiting On the Lord


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