One Year Ago

One year ago we were just starting to hear about this sickness called Covid-19. I remember thinking, “it’s just another thing and we will be over it soon.” The kids had their break extended for one week. I remember thinking, “they are just being cautious and we will be back to school in a week.” Well, as we all know, that was not the case. This past year revolved around this sickness. I’m not celebrating this sickness by any means, but I am celebrating that we have survived a year of this ‘new normal’ and all that it threw at us.

We welcomed 2021 in with the yelling of JUMANGI…it has not seemed to help. Anyways, ringing in the new year with friends was not a question for us. Food, games, dancing, eating dried crickets…all made for a fun night.

Roman made the basketball team for his school so the last 6 weeks have been filled with sitting in bleachers. He enjoyed playing and of course it kept our schedule busy. He ended up jamming his thumb bad during a flag game so a trip to Urgent Care and one week of rest, he was back on the court and field. He is also part of a basketball team outside of school and he had his first tournament last week. They only won 1 of the 3 games but 8 hours of watching Basketball was fun.  The boys also have been doing some personal training with a coach to work on their football skills. Anything sports related is always a priority for them. There is never a down time in the house when sports are concerned. Thankfully with the great weather in Texas, we can enjoy sports year round. The boys are now in a flag football league which meets on Friday nights. They are both excelling once again at this and I love that I get to be on the field watching and hanging out with our football family. Max’s team are boys he played tackle with and they are a great group of boys who work really well together. I have enjoyed watching him build friendships with these boys and the parents are pretty cool too:) Max was invited to a party of one of his teammates and they enjoyed watching the Monster Jam show from a suite followed by a sleepover.

Football always brings about camaraderie and this year was no different. We have met some amazing people who I know will be lifelong friends. They have invested in my boys as well as my own life. I have been lucky enough to become good friends with some of them so a ladies night was on the schedule. Rick and I also got a date night out with another couple and we already have more nights out planned for the future. I have always said that people come and go into your life right when you need it, and God knew I needed these people.

Max is doing great in school. He has truly matured in this third grade year and I am so proud of his attitude and hard work every day. He loves to excel and succeed so that is a driving force for him. With him, we have to remind him to not put so much pressure on himself. Unlike Roman, we are pushing to put more pressure on him for him to want to push himself more. School has never been his favorite and with the hormones of a teenage, I am just praying and taking one day at a time. My prayer for both my boys is that they can see themselves as I see them. They are strong, kind, smart, and the mistakes they make are stepping stones to building better character. It may take years for them to get there but I will be there for every second until it happens. I also encourage them to find the people who will also invest in them and be by their side. 

Roman turned 13. I am now a mother of a teenager. It seems like forever ago when I held him for the first time but at the same time it is like yesterday that he was born. He is my heart. He is me. The boy knows how to bring me a smile but also can push the buttons to the point where they break. He is on a journey and I am so glad God chose me to guide him even though we may take some detours along the way. The challenges never get less, they just get different. To celebrate him, we had a lot of fun surprises. He received many texts, calls, and letters from those he loves the most and who have made an impact on his life. We had a surprise Zoom for him with all his New York friends. His smile said it all when he saw them all. The yard was decorated with a message. Our neighbors/his friend’s family joined us for a Mexican dinner and he had a group of boys over for a sleepover as well as a few hours at the trampoline park. Overall, it was successful and just for the record…I don’t feel old enough or equipped enough to have a teenager in the house.

As far as this ‘new normal’ we are living in. I can honestly say that our family is pretty much back to normal. Living in the state we live in makes it possible. Other than having to wear a mask (hopefully that is gone very soon), we do life as normal. We continue to gather with friends to build relationships, we play sports to satisfy and grow our abilities, we shop and play to keep ourselves entertained, we eat out so we don’t have to eat my cooking all the time, and we focus on the important things and keep the news off the tv. It’s all about perspective and counting our blessings. Life is short so follow your gut and heart to do what is right for you.

We hope you are all healthy, happy, and finding your way through this ‘new normal’.

January 2021 Photos


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