Everything Is Changing

Here we are in the full swing of summer. But, let's go back to spring break!

During our spring break from school in March, we went to San Antonio. This was our first time there. We are trying to explore more of Texas when we can. While we were there we saw the Alamo, walked the Riverwalk, and went to Sea World. It was a fun trip and a nice little getaway. 
Roman finished his last year of middle school (8th grade) and is headed to High School in the fall. The middle school days were nothing to 'write home about' and probably won't be missed by any of us but we all learned a lot. We grew as individuals, fought the needed battles, cried over battles we lost, saw the good in so many people, saw the bad in so many people, and hopefully made friends for many years to come. My boy is now off to even bigger and better things. He is growing stronger as an individual everyday and I know he will do great things. Raising a teenager is nothing like I thought it would be. Some days are easier than they say it would be and other days are harder than they said it would be. But at the end of the day, raising a teen is teaching me more than I feel I teach as a mom.

Roman continues to fish-almost every single day. He has found a passion for it. He also continues to work on odd jobs (mowing, pressure washing, etc.). He is a hard worker and I enjoy seeing him work towards things he wants. He is learning more about money-and just how fast it disappears:) He played some flag and 7 on 7 football. The game of football is still his number one love-even though the game doesn't always love him, he never gives up and pushes for what he wants. I don't know when, but one day Roman will have his 'moment' and all the hard work will pay off.

Max finished up 4th grade. He had the best teacher ever and she pushed him to be his very best. Before the end of the year, I was able to join him on a field trip to the Zoo. It's always a special time when I can take time off to be a mom. Everything seems to come pretty easy to Max-no matter what it is. But, on the occasion that he actually has to work at something because he did not get it the first time, can bring him down. This is where he is learning to grow and become better. He is as stubborn as they come but he will only give up for a moment. He uses that frustration and works so much harder to never have that feeling of defeat again. He has a drive to be the best and better than anyone else. I know this will take him very far in life. He is my little fire cracker and I could not love his spunk anymore. He also played some football these last few months. His 7 on 7 football team won the Super Bowl. This was his 5th time making it to a championship and finally won one. In his spare time he is also working on basketball. The kid has a ball of some sort in his hands at all times. Both of the boys continue to work on speed and agility skills with some personal training and the hard work is paying off. Roman is getting stronger and Max has a new PR of 5.84 with his 40 yard dash. 

Between all the 'busyness' of school and work, we do manage to find time to hang out with friends and find a bit of relaxing time. We have gone to some local (and not so local) swimming holes. Texas has so much to offer and I want to explore so much more of it.
This summer is going to be one of relaxation and time for ME to fill my cup back up. This past school year has been the hardest since I began teaching 20 years ago. It was so mentally draining and there were times when I honestly did not think I was going to make it. 
So much has changed. The world is changing. Society is changing. People are changing. I don't always know what to do or how to handle all the change. This takes a toll on me.  So many days I just want to stay in a little bubble but I know that is not the answer. I don't know what the answer is but each day I will just keep going. I will continue to follow my faith, listen to my heart, think with my head (not emotions), and seek to find the good and truth. I am leading my children to do the same. For I...and my boys, were designed to be alive for these days. To find our ultimate purpose is our goal and we won't stop until we know exactly what that is. Yes. I am still seeking my full potential and purpose in this life. 


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