Grace and Mercy

Happy 2023! Another year has ended and a new one begins. All we can hope is for another year of growth and moving forward with all that the previous year has taught us.

The last few months of 2022 was basically filled with sports, school, and the every day life stuff.

High school for Roman has been a positive transition. He played freshman football as the QB and he had a great season. He gained his love back for the sport because of the coaching at the school. It makes all the difference in the world when coaches are there to push each athlete to be the best they can be. He helped his team with many wins and also scored his first high school touchdown. Although there were some games where the outcome was not great, he held his head up high and kept the positive attitude. He is continuing to navigate the high school years and all the good and bad it can bring. He is a child who is so unique and I pray everyday that he realizes just how special he is and that he does have a purpose. Thankfully he has some great mentors in his life and for them we are so thankful.  I often think if I could survive as a youth growing up in this society as it is so different. I was reminded that our children were made for this moment and are right where they need to be. 

Max is working hard on getting though his last year in Elementary as a 5th grader. He is such an energetic, athletic, smart boy and he is taking on this world with such confidence. He is no longer my little boy as the snuggles are fewer and farther between and the friends sometimes take more priority. But...this is normal and I know he is growing up and doing what we all hope for as we raise our children. He played football this year as well and their team did great. He had his best year yet and was definitely an MVP in my book on the field. He had opportunities to step us as a leader on the field and to watch him do this, made us proud. He is currently playing basketball and watching him on the court is just as fun as on a field. 

Like most, I reflect on the last year and wonder what the new year will bring. The biggest takeaways from this last year include: 
    -Not everyone has your back. Choose wisely and know that you are truly who you hang out with. People      come and go and those who stick around through the tears and not just the laughs, are the ones who you     hold close.
    -Life can be challenging. You never know what is really going on behind the scenes so extend grace and     mercy. Be mindful of yourself and don't get caught up with ones who seem to want to bring you down.
    -Parenting only gets more challenging as they get older. Navigating through it is a daily job and many         mistakes will take place...again, extend grade and mercy.
    -The most important thing for me that I have learned this year-KNOW YOUR WORTH. We get to             define who we are and what we want to be. If those around you do not see that worth, move along. Life     is hard already...choose what battles you want to fight. I know who I am. I know what I want. 

Like any other year or any other family, many great memories were made this past year. We all have those great moments that shine. But at the end of the day I want to know that I made a difference and I did something that will benefit my family for the future. The winning games were special. The trips taken were fun. The traditions were completed...But the talks, hardships, laughs, and lessons reflected upon are what will carry us forward.

Happy New Year!


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